Pool Ridge Trail / Discovery Trail / Pioneer Nature Trail / East Ridge Trail / Gilliam Creek Trail
Trip Log:
- 09:45am - Start out from Pool Ridge Trailhead
- 10:19am - Reach the junction with Loop Trail but somehow walked into private property by mistake (oops)
- 10:34am - Back to the Pool Ridge Trailhead
- 11:16am - Reach Armstrong Redwood Grove and break
- 11:40am - Move on to Discovery Trail and Pioneer Nature Trail
- 11:52am - Reach Visitor Center and have a look around the gift shop
- 12:03pm - Start the East Ridge Trailhead
- 12:24pm - Break (Panda bothered to take out from his backpack the gas, pan and cup to boil water and make a hot coffee!)
- 12:51pm - Move on
- 01:53pm - Finish East Ridge Trail and start the Gilliam Creek Trail
- 02:49pm - Hit Schoolhouse creek
- 03:28pm - Hit East Austin Creek Fire Road
- 04:02pm - Start assent to Vista point
- 04:10pm - Find a nice spot to watch the sunset and call it a day