Our original plan was to spend the third night by Log Lake, luckily another hiker we met on the second day informed us that it was not worth it. This was confirmed by our own eyes: it looked more like a dead pond rather than a lake. There was no source of running water nearby and not much to do or see. We moved on without a moments hesitation.
It took us quite a while to get to the Calf Lake Junction. It was a strenuous ascent so we took several breaks. “Look at these giant fungus! They look almost unreal!” Mother Nature is indeed full of all kinds of surprises.
When we were getting close to Calf Lake, the piny landscape suddenly switched to an overgrown alpine meadow carpeted with wild flowers.
Look what we found at Calf Lake! This chubby guy!
We were not the only ones hiking towards Calf Lake. We ran into this mysterious cool hiker from Santa Cruz, Scott, who had also camped at Summit Lake the previous night. He must like Marble Mountain Wilderness a lot, because he said he often returns and just explores by memory (which means no use of any map!). We said that we wanted to check out Long High Lake which is located just above one of the mountains by Calf Lake. He told us that he had read enough information to assure us that Long High Lake was accessible even though there was no official trail. He himself was about to check it for the first time too.
Scrambling up towards Long High Lake was kind of an adventure and we were guessing our way. After ascending to certain altitude, we were able to overlook the entire Calf Lake.
Majestic snow-capped Mt. Shasta was also visible from afar.
We ran into Scott again at Long High Lake. He had come from a different route. Around the lake was a large oasis of lush green plants and a small campground where we decided to camp. The lake is quite high, but is it really as long as it sounds? Well, later we learnt from Scott that there is another tiny unnamed lake a bit higher than where we were, which provides a panoramic view of Long High Lake. After a long chill-out and saying goodbye to Scott who wanted to camp at Calf Lake, we checked the anonymous dinky lake.
There was a huge snow patch at the bank constantly dripping water into the lake (or pond?).
From above, Long High Lake does look long! Glad we found it!